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Krishnamacharya Tirumalai



Parampara is knowledge that is passed in succession from teacher to student. It is a Sanskrit word that denotes the principle of transmitting knowledge in its most valuable form; knowledge based on direct and practical experience. It is the basis of any lineage: the teacher and student form the links in the chain of instruction that has been passed down for thousands of years. In order for yoga instruction to be effective, true and complete, it should come from within parampara. Knowledge can be transferred only after the student has spent many years with an experienced guru, a teacher to whom he has completely surrendered in body, mind, speech and inner being. Only then is he fit to receive knowledge. This transfer from teacher to student is parampara.

The line of teachers goes from Yogeshwara Rama Mohan Brahmachari, Sri T. Krishnamacharya, Sri K. Pattabhi Jois, R. Sharath Jois.

The method and teachings of Ashtanga Yoga  are being carried forth by R. Sharath Jois, who was the former Director of the KPJAYI, Krishna Pattabhi Jois Ashtanga Yoga Institute in Mysore.  R. Sharath Jois is now the Director of the Sharath Yoga Center, or SYC.  For more information, visit him at  Manju Jois and Saraswati, the son and daughter of Pattabhi Jois, also teach this method and they both travel extensively spreading the light of Ashtanga Yoga.


+358 040 1379788

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